Living Thailand
Scorpions (Arachnids)

(Hypoctonus rangunensis) I often find whip scorpions (or whiptail scorpions) hiding under pots and even my shoes in my garden, Khon Kaen. They are totally harmless and DO NOT even have a sting. Photo taken September, 2012.

(Heterometrus spinifer) This is a large scorpion I have spotted a few times in NE Thailand (including my garden). Though large, it will move away from you, rather than attack and the sting is no worse than that of a bee (I should know, as I was stung as I tried to pick one up). Please don't kill them. Photo taken on the road to Nam Nao NP, Petchabun, July 2012

(Heterometrus spinifer) This is a large scorpion I have spotted a few times in NE Thailand (including my garden). Though large, it will move away from you, rather than attack and the sting is no worse than that of a bee (I should know, as I was stung as I tried to pick one up). Please don't kill them. Photo taken on the road to Nam Nao NP, Petchabun, July 2012

(Heterometrus spinifer) This is a large scorpion I have spotted a few times in NE Thailand (including my garden). Though large, it will move away from you, rather than attack and the sting is no worse than that of a bee (I should know, as I was stung as I tried to pick one up). Please don't kill them. Photo taken on the road to Nam Nao NP, Petchabun, July 2012

(Heterometrus spinifer) This is a large scorpion I have spotted a few times in NE Thailand (including my garden). Though large, it will move away from you, rather than attack and the sting is no worse than that of a bee (I should know, as I was stung as I tried to pick one up). Please don't kill them. Photo taken on the road to Nam Nao NP, Petchabun, July 2012

(Heterometrus spinifer) This is a large scorpion I have spotted a few times in NE Thailand (including my garden). Though large, it will move away from you, rather than attack and the sting is no worse than that of a bee (I should know, as I was stung as I tried to pick one up). Please don't kill them. Photo taken at Nam Nao NP HQ early in the morning, Petchabun, October, 2011.