Living Thailand

(Elephas maximus) Attempting to sleep at Nam Nao HQ, Petchabun, back in 2011, almost became a nightmare. Loud crashing sounds became louder and louder until I saw a young male elephant. I managed to get a photo before it decided to run towards me. I took cover in the car until it moved on.

Commonly sighted around Thai national parks, though elephants themselves are rarely encountered. Taken at Nam Nao NP, Petchabun, 2011

The following trip (after my encounter with a wild elephant on the rampage at the HQ), an electric fence was erected. Elephants are beautiful beats but can be deadly.

Nicely written. Taken at Nam Nao NP HQ, Petchabun, October, 2011

(Elephas maximus) Not wild, but taken care of at an elephant sanctuary just outside Khao Yai NP, Nakhorn Ratchasima. July, 2011.

(Elephas maximus) Not wild, but beautiful all the same. Taken care of at an elephant sanctuary just outside Khao Yai NP, Nakhorn Ratchasima. July, 2011.